Free Sessions=Better Photographer?

In the competitive world of photography, finding ways to stand out and enhance your skills is crucial. While investing in expensive equipment and attending workshops are common approaches, there is another lesser-known method that can elevate your photography game: offering free sessions. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of providing complimentary photoshoots and how they can help you become a better photographer.

After a long winter and miserably cold weather, Maine finally had sunshine and temps upwards of 75 degrees! I didn't have any photo shoots booked for this evening, so posted on my Instagram story I was offering a free session (first come first serve) for this specific evening, within a 1 hour drive radius to where I live in Lewiston. Taylor was the first to respond, and we decided to meet in Augusta, ME, close to where she lives and home to my favorite photo spot in central Maine: Viles Arboretum! I love this place because of the various wide walking trails and vast fields, especially at sunset. We meet at 6:30pm just in time for golden hour! It felt great photographing outdoors again and not being frozen to my core (like I had been recently!) For Lily's session, I wanted to experiment with cloudier skies and moodier weather - clients usually prefer sunnier skies!

Expanding your portfolio:

One of the primary advantages of offering free sessions is the opportunity to diversify and expand your portfolio. As a photographer, showcasing a wide range of subjects, styles, and settings is essential for attracting potential clients. Free sessions allow you to experiment with different genres and techniques, helping you build a portfolio that demonstrates your versatility and expertise.

Exploring creativity and pushing boundaries:

With paid sessions, there may be pressure to deliver specific results within certain expectations. However, offering free sessions gives you the freedom to explore your creativity and push the boundaries of your photography. You can experiment with new techniques, unconventional angles, or innovative editing styles without the fear of disappointing paying clients. This creative freedom can lead to breakthrough moments and the discovery of a unique style that sets you apart from the competition.

I wanted to get more experience with editorial and my styled shooting - most of my portraiture is very candid and documentary, but I wanted to get a little more practice with more posed shoots as I am really drawn to the high-fashion aspect of this style (I also used to be a fashion photographer in South Korea for 3 years, and want to get back into that type of shooting!). I also had been wanting to offer what I am now calling "Intentional Sessions", or sessions where a client meets me for a photo session to really express themselves and remind them of how strong and beautiful they are. Usually clients book me for a couples or family session, but I knew that solo sessions can be so empowering for anyone who may just need to dedicate an hour or so to themselves where I can help them revisit their inherent power.

Building confidence:

Confidence plays a significant role in the success of any photographer. Offering free sessions allows you to practice your craft, receive positive feedback, and see the impact of your work on others. As you gain experience and witness the joy and satisfaction your photos bring to clients, your confidence will naturally grow. This newfound self-assurance will positively influence your future paid sessions, enabling you to deliver exceptional results while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

Taylor had actually booked me for a studio session in March, so since we had already worked together, it made this shoot even more fun and allowed me to be more creative than I had even planned! I was able to experiment with slow shutter speeds for that "blurry photo look" - another trend happening right now! It took some time experimenting with the shutter speed and other camera settings, but because this was a "free" shoot, I was less pressured to feel rushed or uncomfortable constantly having to change my settings (you never want to appear as if you don't know what you're doing at a shoot!). Taylor was also great because I asked her to keep doing the same pose over and over again juuust so that I could get my camera settings perfect - and I must say - we nailed it! With Lily, I wanted to continue practicing with slow shutter speeds, as well as with lighting conditions being a tad darker with cloudy skies and a gloomier feel. Having these free shoots allowed me to experiment without any pressure and helped me explore my creativity which I now will bring to future booked shoots with clients!

In the fast-paced world of photography, seeking out innovative ways to improve your skills is essential. Offering free sessions provides numerous benefits that can enhance your craft, expand your network, and boost your confidence. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can diversify your portfolio, gain practical experience, receive valuable feedback, and explore your creativity without limitations. So, don't underestimate the power of free sessions—they might just be the stepping stones to becoming a better photographer.


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